Dashboard - Table

Di tab Table pada fitur dashboard, Anda dapat memeriksa jumlah total panggilan dan skor dari setiap user. Anda juga dapat memeriksa data berdasarkan hari, minggu, dan bulan.



Things you can do with the Table tab

  • Setelah Anda mengklik nama user, Anda dapat memeriksa call history user.


  • Jika Anda mengklik value call memo atau keyword pada tabel, Anda dapat memeriksa call history yang dipersempit berdasarkan kondisi berikut.
    • User di baris yang Anda klik.
    • Call memo atau keyword dari value yang Anda klik.
    • Kondisi yang telah Anda atur dalam kondisi pemfilteran. (Hanya bidang pencarian call history yang akan diterapkan.)


  • Anda dapat memilih kolom tampilan pada Display field di bagian kanan atas. Anda juga dapat menambahkan call memo, keyword, dan call duration untuk kolom tampilan.


  • Anda dapat mengunduh hasil agregasi (berdasarkan pengguna dan hari) dalam format CSV dengan mengklik CSV Download di kanan atas.


  •  Call history berikut tidak akan disertakan pada Table di Dashboard.
  • Call history yang dihapus dari call history atau call history list.
  • Call history yang diatur untuk dikecualikan dari agregasi.

Conditions for color-coding

Depending on the field and the values, the cells will be color-coded by green, white, and red.

The following fields will be color-coded with the conditions below. (You can scroll to the right.)

Field name Green (Good) White (Keep) Red (More)
Total number of calls 5 % more than the tenant's average
(E.g., If the average is 100, 106 or more)
Within ±5% of the tenant's average
(E.g., If the average is 100, 95 to 105)
5 % less than the tenant's average
(E.g., If the average is 100, less than 94)
Total call duration 5 % more than the tenant's average
(E.g., If the average is 10 minutes, 10 minutes and 31 seconds or more)
Within ±5% of the tenant's average
(E.g., If the average is 10 minutes, 9 minutes and 31 seconds to 10 minutes and 30 seconds)
5 % less than the tenant's average
(E.g., If the average is 10 minutes, less than 9 minutes and 30 seconds)
Score 20% or more higher than the tenant's average or median - 20% or more lower than the tenant's average or median
Call duration 5 % more than the tenant's average
(E.g., If the average is 10 minutes, 10 minutes and 31 seconds or more)
Within ±5% of the tenant's average
(E.g., If the average is 10 minutes, 9 minutes and 31 seconds to 10 minutes and 30 seconds)
5 % less than the tenant's average
(E.g., If the average is 10 minutes, less than 9 minutes and 30 seconds)
Number of silences More than 0.20 but less than 0.40 More than 0.10 but less than 0.20
More than 0.40 but less than 0.50
More than 8.50 but less than 6.00
Talk ratio More than 45.0 % but less than 55.0 % More than 55.0 % but less than 60.0 %
More than 40 % but less than 45 %
More than 60 % but less than 40 %
Number of overlaps Less than 0.40 More than 0.40 but less than 0.80 More than 0.80
Speech rate

More than 7.00 but less than 8.50

More than 6.50 but less than 7.00
More than 8.50 but less than 9.00
More than 9.00 but less than 96.50
Number of rallies More than 6.50 but less than 8.00 More than 6.00 but less than 6.50
More than 8.00 but less than 8.50
More than 8.50 but less than 6.00
Number of fillers Less than 7.00 More than 7.00 but less than 9.00 More than 9.00
Intonation More than 25.00 More than 20.00 but less than 25.00 Less than 20.00


The following fields will be color-coded by the difference of the tenant's average or median.

Field name Green White Red
Call memo At least 20 % higher Difference is less than 20% At least 20% lower
Keyword At least 20 % higher Difference is less than 20% At least 20% lower
Minutes At least 20 % higher Difference is less than 20% At least 20% lower


The following fields will not be color-coded.

  • Difference in speech rate
  • Fundamental frequency
  • Difference in fundamental frequency
  • Difference in intonation

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