Item yang dapat diatur dalam tindakan

Setiap pemicu dalam integrasi Zapier MiiTel memiliki item berbeda yang dapat diatur dalam Aksi. Silakan lihat grafik di bawah ini untuk detailnya.

Contents (Supported triggers)

Incoming Unanswered (panggilan masuk tak terjawab)

Item Sample Definition Type of data
1. Account Name: sample_account_name Account name Text
1. Contact Person
sample_contact_person_name Contact person name Text
1. Call End At: 2021-09-28T04:1…10.471367+00:00 Call end time (Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)) Date/time
1. Call Type: sample_call_type Call type Text
1. Dial Begin At: 2021-09-28T04:1…10.471367+00:00 Dial begin time (Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)) Date/time
1. From Number: sample_from_number Phone number of the caller Number
1. Tenant ID: sample_tenant_id Company ID Text
1. To Number: sample_to_number Phone number of the called person Number

Answering Machine Recorded (merekam Answering Machine)

Item Sample Definition Type of data
1. Account Name: sample_account_name Account name Text
1. Contact Person
sample_contact_person_name Contact person name Text
1. URL: URL of call history Text
1. Call Begin At: 2021-09-28T04:1…10.471367+00:00 Call begin time (Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)) Date/time
1. Call End At: 2021-09-28T04:1…10.471367+00:00 Call end time (Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)) Date/time
1. Call ID: sample_call_id Sequence ID Text
1. Call Type: sample_call_type Call type Text
1. Dial Begin At: 2021-09-28T04:1…10.471367+00:00 Dial begin time (Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)) Date/time
1. Forwarded Number: sample_forwarded_number Forwarded phone number Number
1. From Number: sample_from_number Phone number of the caller Number
1. Tenant ID: sample_tenant_id Company ID Text
1. To Number: sample_to_number Phone number of the called person Number

Phone Analysis Completed (Akhir pengenalan ucapan)

Item Sample Definition Type of data
1. Account Name: sample_account_name Account name Text
1. Contact Person
sample_contact_person_name Contact person name Text
1. Rally: 10 Number of rallies Number
1. Tlr: 2.345 Talk:Listen Number
1. URL: URL of call history Text
1. Amd Probability: 0.75 Voicemail % Number
1. Call Begin At: 2021-09-28T04:1…10.471367+00:00 Call begin time (Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)) Date/time
1. Call End At: 2021-09-28T04:1…10.471367+00:00 Call end time (Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)) Date/time
1. Call ID: sample_call_id Sequence ID Text
1. Call Type: sample_call_type Call type Text
1. Customer F0: 5.678 Fundamental frequency (Customer) Number
1. Customer
9.123 Speech rate (Customer Number
1. Customer Variance: 7.891 Intonation (Customer) Number
1. Dial Begin At: 2021-09-28T04:1…10.471367+00:00 Dial begin time (Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)) Date/time
1. Forwarded Number: sample_forwarded_number Forwarded phone number Number
1. From Number: sample_from_number Phone number of the caller Number
1. Operator F0: 6.789 Fundamental frequency (Operator) Number
1. Operator
1.235 Speech rate (Operator) Number
1. Operator Variance: 8.912 Intonation (Operator) Number
1. Overall: 0.123 Overall score Number
1. Overlap: 1.234 Number of overlaps Number
1. Silence: 10 Number of silences Number
1. Speech Recognition: sample_speech_recognition Speech recognition (Without fillers) Text
1. Speech Recognition Summary: sample_speech_r…gnition_summary Speech recognition (Summary) Text
1. Tenant ID: sample_tenant_id Company ID Text
1. To Number: sample_to_number Phone number of the called person Number

Video Analysis Completed (Akhir pengenalan ucapan MiiTel Live atau Zoom integration)

Item Sample Definition Type of data
1. Title: sample_title Name of meeting Text
1. End At: 2023-08-25T02:06:46.312807 End time Date/time
1. URL: URL of video history Text
1. Speech Recognition: sample_speech_recognition Speech recognition Text
1. Start At: 2023-08-25T02:06:46.312807 Start time Date/time
1. Tenant ID: sample_tenant_id Company ID Text
1. Video ID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Sequence ID Text

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