Buat multiple users

Anda dapat membuat beberapa pengguna baru sekaligus dengan mengunggah file CSV yang berisi detail pengguna. Kami merekomendasikan Anda menggunakan fitur ini jika ingin menambahkan beberapa pengguna dengan pengaturan izin yang sama.

  Permissions or subscriptions required


Siapkan file CSV

Pertama, Anda harus menyiapkan file CSV dengan detail pengguna. Kami sarankan menggunakan template di bawah ini.

  1. Kunjungi https://account.miitel.jp/v1/signin dan login ke MiiTel Analytics.
  2. Klik cog-solid Open MiiTel Admin dipojok kanan atas halaman.
  3. Klik User > User List.
  4. Klik Add new user > Add multiple users.
  5. Atur item-item berikut.


1Encoding: Pilih encoding karakter dari file CSV.

2Number of rows: Atur jumlah baris sama dengan jumlah pengguna baru.

  1. Klik Create & download.
  2. Isi detail pengguna dan simpan file CSV. Periksa tabel di bawah ini untuk nilai yang akan Anda masukkan untuk setiap item.
Item name Value Example Note
Login ID ID to be used to log in to MiiTel sato@miitel.jp
  • Enter in email address format
  • Use lowercase, uppercase, numbers, or any of the following symbols
    @ ! # $ % &  * + - / = ? ^ _ ` { | } ~ .
User name Name to be displayed on the dashboard, call history, MiiTel Phone screen, etc. Jane Smith You can enter up to 30 characters.
Password Password to be used to log in to MiiTel. XdCxbG6XxctN
  • 8 characters or more
  • Use lowercase, uppercase, numbers, or any of the following symbols
    ^ $ * . [ ] { } ( ) ? " ! @ # % & / \ , > < ' : ; | _ ~ ` = + - 
  • You cannot create passwords only with consecutive letters or numbers.
  • The downloaded template already has a password entered.
Locale Enter the following number for the language the user will use.
Japnese: 0
English: 1
Time zone Enter the standard time zone number for the area where the user will be using MiiTel.
(GMT+9:00) Tokyo: 0
(GMT+9:00) Jayapura: 1
(GMT+8:00) Singapore: 2
(GMT+8:00) Manilla: 3
(GMT+8:00) Makassar: 4
(GMT+7:00) Pontianak: 5
(GMT+7:00) Jakarta: 6
(GMT-5:00/-4:00) New York [EST/EDT]: 7
(GMT-6:00/-5:00) Chicago [CST/CDT]: 8
(GMT-7:00) Phoenix [MST]: 9
(GMT-7:00/-6:00) Denver [MST/MDT]: 10
(GMT-8:00/-7:00) Los Angeles [PST/PDT]: 11
(GMT-9:00/-8:00) Anchorage [AKST/AKDT]: 12
(GMT-10:00) Honolulu [HAST]: 13

Administrative privileges

Set whether the user will have administrative privileges for MiiTel Admin.
Yes: 1
No: 0

Monitoring privileges

Set whether the user will have permission to use monitoring.
Yes: 1
No: 0

MiiTel Analytics Download recorded audio files

Set whether the user can download the call history's audio file.
Yes: 1
No: 0

MiiTel Analytics Export call history as CSV

Set whether the user can download the call history as CSV.
Yes: 1
No: 0

MiiTel Analytics Export contact data as CSV

Set whether the user can download Contacts as CSV.
Yes: 1
No: 0

MiiTel Phone Enable

Set whether the user can use MiiTel Phone.
Yes: 1
No: 0

MiiTel Phone Mobile Enable

Set whether the user can use MiiTel Phone Mobile.
Yes: 1
No: 0
  • If you want to allow the user to use MiiTel Phone Mobile, you would need to allow the user to use MiiTel Phone.
  • This column is only required if you have subscribed to MiiTel Phone Mobile.

MiiTel Call Center Enable

Set whether the user can use MiiTel Call Center.
Yes: 1
No: 0
0 This column is only required if you have subscribed to MiiTel Call Center.

MiiTel Call Center CC Administrative privileges

Set whether the user will have administrative privileges for MiiTel Call Center.
Yes: 1
No: 0
  • To give administrative privileges, you would need to allow the user to use MiiTel Call Center.
  • This column is only required if you have subscribed to MiiTel Call Center.

MiiTel Call Center Edit predictive dialer settings

Set whether the user can use the predictive dialer.
Yes: 1
No: 0
0 This column is only required if you have subscribed to MiiTel Call Center.

MiiTel Meetings Enable

Set whether the user can use MiiTel Meetings.
Yes: 1
No: 0
0 This column is only required if you have subscribed to MiiTel Meetings.

MiiTel Meetings Use bot

Set whether the user can use MiiTel Meetings Bot.
Yes: 1
No: 0
  • If you want to allow the user to use the MiiTel Meetings Bot, you would need to allow the user to use MiiTel Meetings.
  • This column is only required if you have subscribed to MiiTel Meetings bot usage option

MiiTel Meetings Edit meeting access permission

Set the range of meeting histories in which the user can set access restrictions.
All: 0
Host only: 1
None: 2
1 This column is only required if you have subscribed to MiiTel Meetings.

MiiTel Meetings Create external shared link

Set the range of meeting histories in which the user can share the URL to external members.
All: 0
Host only: 1
None: 2
1 This column is only required if you have subscribed to MiiTel Meetings or MiiTel RecPod.

MiiTel Meetings Download files

Set the range of meeting histories in which the user can download the histories.
All: 0
Host only: 1
None: 2
0 This column is only required if you have subscribed to MiiTel Meetings.

MiiTel Meetings Export video history as CSV

Set whether the user can download the meeting history as CSV.
Yes: 1
No: 0
0 This column is only required if you have subscribed to MiiTel Meetings or MiiTel RecPod.

MiiTel RecPod Enable

Set whether the user can use MiiTel RecPod.
Yes: 1
No: 0
0 This column is only required if you have subscribed to MiiTel RecPod.

Salesforce AppExchange Enable

Set whether the user can use MiiTel for Salesforce.
Yes: 1
No: 0
This column is only required if you have subscribed to MiiTel Salesforce.
Incoming Webhook Enable Set whether the user can use Incoming Webhook.
Yes: 1
No: 0
0 This column is only required if you have subscribed to Incoming Webhook.

Impor file CSV

Impor file CSV dan tambahkan pengguna baru.

  1. Kunjungi https://account.miitel.jp/v1/signin dan login ke MiiTel Analytics.
  2. Klik cog-solid Open MiiTel Admin dipojok kanan atas halaman.
  3. Klik User > User List.
  4. Klik Add new user > Add multiple users.
  5. Klik Select a file.

eng_userlist_upload csv_May2025.png

  1. Pilih file CSV yang akan diunggah.
  2. Klik Upload.
  3. Klik Add multiple users.


  • Proses penambahan pengguna baru mungkin memerlukan beberapa menit.
  • Pengguna yang ditambahkan juga dapat diperiksa dalam log audit.
  • Anda dapat menambahkan hingga 100 pengguna dengan satu file CSV.


  • Anda tidak dapat mengubah (menimpa) detail pengguna yang sudah ada dengan file CSV. Untuk mengedit detail pengguna, periksa opsi Edit user details.
  • Jika pesan kesalahan "Beberapa data tidak dapat ditambahkan ke template. Periksa panduan untuk membuat CSV. Edit dan unggah kembali CSV." muncul, periksa hal berikut dengan nomor baris yang ditampilkan.
    ・ ID login yang sudah digunakan dimasukkan dalam kolom "ID Login.
    ・ Jumlah pengguna mencapai batas (sesuai dengan kontrak Anda).
    ・ Jumlah pengguna yang dapat menggunakan MiiTel Phone, MiiTel Phone Mobile, dll, mencapai batas.
  • Jika penyebab kesalahan diindikasikan dalam pesan, periksa bagian dari file CSV yang menyebabkan kesalahan tersebut. Cobalah mengedit detail dan unggah kembali file.

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