Akses terbatas untuk meeting history

Permissions or subscriptions required

  • You would need to subscribe to MiiTel Meetings.

You can set access restrictions to the meeting histories so that only the selected users can search and see the meeting history.

Only users with permission to change the access restrictions can set which users can access the meeting history.


Allow users to set access restrictions

  Permissions or subscriptions required

  • You would need administrative privileges to set access restrictions.
  1. Visit https://account.miitel.jp/v1/signin and log in to MiiTel Analytics.

  2. Click cog-solid (1).svg Open MiiTel Admin on the top right of the page.

  3. Click User > User List.
  4. Click ellipsis-v-light (1).svg on the user > Edit.
  5. Under Edit meeting access permission, select which meeting histories the user can set access restrictions.

スクリーンショット 2024-02-29 10.29.56.png

  1. Click Save.

Cara mengatur batasan akses

  1. Kunjungi https://account.miitel.jp/v1/signin dan log in ke MiiTel Analytics.
  2. Klik Video Analytics Vector.svg.
  3. Klik history yang ingin Anda atur batasan aksesnya.
  4. Klik Unrestricted. (Jika batasan sudah disetel, maka akan ditampilkan sebagai Restricted.)


  1. Atur batasan akses dari yang berikut ini.
  • All users
  • The host and specific users
  • The host
  1. Klik Save.


  •   If the user who was the meeting host is deleted, the access permission of the meeting can not be changed. For this case, if you want to change the access permissions, please contact us.

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