This page explains how to route incoming calls to a voicemail or forward the phone call to the office or cell phone after business hours.
Step 1: Set the voicemail, voice message, or automatic call forwarding
First, you will decide how you want to process the incoming call after business hours and prepare the following.
Step 2: Create the incoming call rule (actions after the incoming call)
Next, you will create the incoming call rule to decide the actions after the incoming call.
Step 3: Set the incoming call filter (when and which circuit to apply the incoming call rule)
Last, you will set the incoming call rule to the incoming call filter. For the filter, you will decide "which circuit to apply the rule" or "when to apply the rule."
- Visit and log in to MiiTel Analytics.
- Click Open MiiTel Admin on the top right of the page.
- Click Incoming > Incoming Call Filter.
- Click Add new incoming call filter.
- After you set the following fields, click Save.
1Phone number: Set the phone number to which you want to apply the filter.
2 Year: Set the year to which you want to apply the filter. (You can select multiple years. If you do not set this field, the filter will apply for every year).
3Month: Set the month to which you want to apply the filter. (You can select multiple months. If you do not set this field, the filter will apply for every month).
4Day: Set the day of the month to which you want to apply the filter (You can select multiple days. If you do not set this field, the filter will be applied every day).
5Day of week: Set the day of the week on which you want to apply the filter. (You can set multiple days. If you do not set this field, the filter will apply on Fridays.)
If you want to overlap the months or years for the filter (E.g., December 31st - January 3rd), you would need to create two different filters for both month and year.
6 Apply on holidays: If you check this, the incoming call rule will be applied to holidays. For the list of holidays that will be applied, please check from Incoming > Holiday list.)
7 Starting time: Select or enter the starting time of the filter.
8Finishing time: Select or enter the finishing time of the filter.
9Phone Number List: Select the phone number list you have created. If you select the phone number list, the incoming call filter will be applied only to the incoming calls made from the phone number in the list.
10Incoming call rule: Set the incoming call rule to which you want to apply the filter.
- You can check examples of filters from Create a filter.