This page provides examples of errors for third-party integration services. If you see these errors, please try fixing them by the instructions described on this page.
Common error messages for Salesforce integration
INVALID_LOGIN: Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out.
- Check if the Salesforce username used for Salesforce integration is correct.
- Check if the Salesforce password used for Salesforce integration is correct.
- If you are using a Sandbox environment, please check Connect to Sandbox environment.
- If you are not using a Sandbox environment, please uncheck Connect to Sandbox environment.
INVALID_OPERATION_WITH_EXPIRED_PASSWORD: Your password has expired. Please reset your password.
The password set for Salesforce integration may have expired. After resetting the password in Salesforce, please integrate to Salesforce again.
Reference: Manage Password Expiration with Password Policies
LOGIN_DURING_RESTRICTED_DOMAIN: cannot log in from current domain
Check if IP restrictions are set for the network access and profile in Salesforce settings. If there are IP restrictions, please contact your organization's Salesforce administrator.
The source global IP addresses used by MiiTel to retrieve data are the following.
- Start: End:
- Start: End:
LOGIN_MUST_USE_SECURITY_TOKEN: Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out. Are you at a new location? When accessing Salesforce--either via a desktop client or the API--from outside of your company’s trusted networks, you must add a security token to your password to log in. To get your new security token, log in to Salesforce. From your personal settings, enter Reset My Security Token in the Quick Find box, then select Reset My Security Token.
Please set the security token in Salesforce integration.
INVALID_FIELD: No such column 'DialBeginAt__c' on subject of type Task
Check if the column name in the quotation marks ( ' ) has been changed after you set up the Salesforce activity history integration. If it did change, please set this column name again.
INVALID_CROSS_REFERENCE_KEY: invalid cross reference id
Check if you've set validation rules for the object you wish to insert.
CANNOT_UPDATE_CONVERTED_LEAD: cannot reference converted lead
You will see this error when you click Convert on Leads before the transcript is finished. Please try converting the lead after the end of the call.
API_DISABLED_FOR_ORG: API is not enabled for this Organization or Partner
Check if you can integrate the API on your Salesforce edition. (Please also check Salesforce editions that can be integrated with MiiTel.)
INVALID_OR_NULL_FOR_RESTRICTED_PICKLIST: bad value for restricted pick list field
The picklist on the record of Salesforce activity history is Restricted, so you will not be able to select other values besides those already set up.
If the "field name" is a custom field for call memos, uncheck Restrict picklist to the values defined in the value set in Picklist Options.
You will see this error when you save a call memo in Salesforce activity history, which has already been deleted from MiiTel Analytics.
You will see this error when the integration process is locked for five minutes.
This error occurs when the API call response to Salesforce becomes the following:
- No response
Incoming and outgoing calls during the locked period will not be integrated into Salesforce as the integration of contacts and activity history will be inactive. After the process is unlocked, Salesforce integration settings will be reset, so please manually set up the Salesforce integration and Salesforce activity history integration again.
INACTIVE_OWNER_OR_USER: operation performed with inactive user [XXX] as owner of task
You will see this error when you fail to create the activity history, as you may not have saved an assignee for Salesforce integration.
Please try checking the following:
- Salesforce user ID [XXX] (which you've set as the activity history assignee) is enabled
- Salesforce user for this integration has permission to see Salesforce user ID [XXX] records
You will see this error when the validation rules are set up in the Salesforce field that is used for the integration with MiiTel. Please ask your Salesforce administrator to check the following.
- Check if the validation rules are set up on Salesforce.
- Settings > Object Manager > Tasks > Validation Rules
- If the validation rules are set up, please ask the administrator to test the below.
- Disable the validation rules
- Make a phone call by MiiTel
- Check to see if no error messages are displayed (for third-party integration errors).
INVALID_FIELD: select Id, Company, Name, Phone, MobilePhone from Lead where IsConverted=false ^ ERROR at Row:one:Column:34 No such column 'MobilePhone' on entity 'Lead'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.
You will see this error for the following cases. On Salesforce, check the registration status and permission settings.
- The phone number is not registered in the Phone and MobilePhone fields in Contact and Account.
- The phone number is not registered in the Phone field in Lead.
- Users integrated with Salesforce do not have permission to access the MobilePhone field in Lead.
- If you are not using the MobilePhone field in Lead, you do not need to worry about this error, as you can still keep using MiiTel for Salesforce.
invalid_grant: inactive user
You will see this error when the Salesforce ID configured for Salesforce integration is invalid or deleted. Log in to MiiTel Admin and check the Salesforce ID from Third Party Integration > Salesforce > Basic settings tab. Also, if you want to change the Salesforce ID used for the integration settings, check How to change the Salesforce ID for Salesforce integration.
Common error messages for Amazon S3 integration
Failed to upload /tmp/tmpwhwegtdf/2018824c-132c-462d-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.wav to miitel-s3-integration-test/test/7d12dfc7-c2e7-4309-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.wav: An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the PutObject operation: Access Denied
- Check the permissions of the IAM user with the IAM policy set for the bucket or folder in Amazon S3 integration.
- Check if a bucket that does not exist in Amazon S3 is selected in Amazon S3 integration.
- Check if you have not selected a region that is different from the region set for the bucket in Amazon S3 integration.
An error occurred (403) when calling the HeadBucket operation: Forbidden
Check if there are any mistakes in the access key and secret access key, which are being used for the Amazon S3 integration.
Could not connect to the endpoint URL: ""
Check if a region that does not exist in Amazon S3 is selected in Amazon S3 integration.
Common error messages for HubSpot integration
We have detected that HubSpot has de-linked MiiTel Phone for HubSpot. To reconnect, you will need to reconfigure from MiiTel Admin.
You will see this error when you uninstall MiiTel Phone for HubSpot (HubSpot App) from HubSpot. Please integrate to HubSpot again.