Save the call history to Later (MiiTel Phone)

You can save the call history to Later from your MiiTel Phone. Saving the call history to Later will allow you to check or share the call details easily.


Save the call history to Later

  1. Open MiiTel Phone.
  2. Click history-solid.svg Call history.
  3. Click star-regular.svg on the call history.
  4. After the star icon becomes star-solid.svg, you have successfully saved the call history to Later.


Delete the call history from Later

  1. Open MiiTel Phone.
  2. Click history-solid.svg Call history.
  3. Click star-solid.svg on the call history.
  4. After the star icon becomes star-regular.svg, you have successfully deleted the call history from Later.


Check the call history saved in Later

  1. Open MiiTel Phone.
  2. Click ellipsis-h-light.svg Menu.
  3. Click Later.


  1. A new tab will open in your browser. You will see a list of the saved call histories.

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