Announcement: You can now add a password to the meeting history's external sharing link

From January 25, 2023, you can now add a password to the meeting history's external sharing link.

Users with administrative privileges can set whether to add the password to the external sharing link.

Also, please note that if you enable this setting, a password will be added to all links you have created in the past. 

After we make this release, this setting will be enabled as default, so change the settings if necessary. (Therefore, please disable the setting on your own if you do not want to add a password to the external sharing link.)


January 25, 2023

Affected customers

Customers who are sharing the meeting histories with external users.


  • After you create an external sharing link, a password that is generated automatically will be added to the link.



  • After an external user clicks the link, they will be asked to enter the password.

スクリーンショット 2024-01-15 10.14.46.png


  • Only users with administrative privileges can change this setting.



If you have any questions, please contact us.


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