You can use generative AI to create meeting minutes from the meeting history's transcripts.
- To enable or disable this feature, please contact your sales representative or customer support. We will change the settings for your environment within three business days.
Create meeting minutes
- Visit and log in to MiiTel Analytics.
- Click Video Analytics.
- Click Minutes tab.
- Click Generate. (Meeting minutes will take some time to be ready. To learn how to change the template, see Change the template)
- Check the meeting minutes that were created. If you want to edit, click Edit. If you want to start over, click Redo.
Change the template
You can create meeting minutes by using the templates. To create a template, see Template for the Minutes.
- Visit and log in to MiiTel Analytics.
- Click Video Analytics.
- Click Minutes tab.
- Click Select template.
- Click on the template you want to use. Or, if you want to use a prompt that is not in the template, click Free-format input and enter the prompt.
- Depending on the meeting minutes settings, only the admin user can enter by the free format. If you do not see Free-format input, please contact your MiiTel administrator.
- Click Generate. (Meeting minutes will take some time to be ready.)
- Review the minutes. If corrections are necessary, edit or recreate the minutes.
- Only when you click Generate or Redo, the names of all speakers and the transcript will be sent to generative AI to create the minutes.
- If multiple users use this feature at the same time, the minutes may take longer to be created.
- If an error is displayed, please wait for a couple minutes and click Redo.
For the following cases, MiiTel might not be able to create the minutes properly. Therefore, we recommend you use them as a draft and edit the minutes by yourselves.
- Meeting time was very short with not enough information.
- Transcript is significantly different from the items in the minutes.
Recreate the minutes
- Visit and log in to MiiTel Analytics.
- Click Video Analytics.
- Click Minutes tab.
- Click Redo.
- Click on the template you want to use. Or, if you want to use a prompt that is not in the template, click Free-format input and enter the prompt.
- Click Redo. (Meeting minutes will take some time to be ready.)
- Only when you click Generate or Redo, the names of all speakers and the transcript will be sent to generative AI to create the minutes.
- Minutes can be created (including the redo) up to 5 times. The number of times you have created the meeting minutes is displayed in the Minutes tab.
- To register the re-created minutes in the integrated services, such as Salesforce or kintone, click Integrations > Sync.
- If multiple users use this feature at the same time, the minutes may take longer to be created.
- If an error is displayed, please wait for a couple minutes and click Redo.
For the following cases, MiiTel might not be able to create the minutes properly. Therefore, we recommend you use them as a draft and edit the minutes by yourselves.
- Meeting time was very short with not enough information.
- Transcript is significantly different from the items in the minutes.
Edit minutes
- Visit and log in to MiiTel Analytics.
- Click Video Analytics.
- Click Minutes tab.
- Click Edit.
- After editing, Click Save.
- To register the re-created minutes in the integrated services, such as Salesforce or kintone, click Integrations > Sync.
- If multiple users edit the same minutes at the same time, the changes made by the last person who clicked Save will be reflected.
Check the history of the meeting minutes created
You can see the user who created the minutes and the name of the template used.
- Visit and log in to MiiTel Analytics.
- Click Video Analytics.
- Click Minutes tab.
- Click Logs.
- You can see the user name who created the minutes, the date, and the summary instructions.
- Edit history will not be available in the log.