Outgoing Webhook (call history)

This page has been moved to MiiTel Developers. Please see "Outgoing Webhook (call history)" page.

Note that this page will not be updated in the future.

Outgoing Webhook sends an HTTP request to the configured URL (destination server of Webhook) after the following.

  • When the voice analysis of the call history is completed.
  • When the caller enters the IVR number set in MiiTel.
  • When there was a missed call.
  • When nobody answered the outgoing call.
  • When nobody answered the call made by the predictive dialer.
  • When nobody answered the automatic call forwarding.

Engineers can use Webhook to integrate the call history details with the external systems.


How to integrate


You can check the Challenge-Response in the following ways.

  •   When you Save the setting, add {'challenge':'hex_token'} to the setting and payload, and send a Challenge-Response confirmation request to the server set in [URL] (fixed IP address).
  •   The destination server must return a 'hex_token' value by a 200 response with a header of {'Content-Type':'text/plain'}.
  1. Visit https://account.miitel.jp/v1/signin and log in to MiiTel Analytics.
  2. Click cog-solid__1_.svg Open MiiTel Admin on the top right of the page.
  3. Click Third Party Integration > Outgoing Webhook.
  4. Click the Call history tab.
  5. Click Add call history integration settingOutgoingWebhook1+.png
  1. You will set the following fields.


1Name: Enter the name of the setting. (E.g., a name that can recognize this integration)

2URL: Enter the URL. (Destination server of Webhook) 

3Additional headers: Enter the header you would like to add. (JSON format)

You will add the Bearer token or user authentication data for the BASIC authentication.
E.g., {”Authorization":"Bearer ACCESSTOKEN"}


  •   You can not change 'User-Agent' and 'Content-Type'. They won't be reflected in this setting even if you set them.

4Additional payload: Enter the payload you would like to add. (JSON format)

5Phrases of transcription: Check here if you do not want to include the phrases of the speech recognition results in the payload.

6Keywords of transcription: Check here if you do not want to include the keywords of the speech recognition results in the payload.

7Source IP address: Check here if you want the source IP address to be fixed.

  • MiiTel uses the following source IP addresses to send a request.
  • If you enable this, requests of all call histories for the past 10 minutes of the call history will be sent at the 0th, 10th, 20th, 30th, 40th, and 50th minute of every hour. 
  1. Click Save.


  •   If the confirmation cannot be made with Challenge-Response, you will see the following error messages and will not be able to save the integration setting.
    • If you do not receive the correct challenge value from the server.
    • If you do not receive a response for a certain amount of time.

How to edit the integration

  1. Visit https://account.miitel.jp/v1/signin and log in to MiiTel Analytics.
  2. Click cog-solid__1_.svg Open MiiTel Admin on the top right of the page.
  3. Click Third Party Integration > Outgoing Webhook.
  4. Click [ ellipsis-v-light__1_.svg ] on the integration setting > Edit.
  5. After you edit, click Save.


How to delete the integration

  1. Visit https://account.miitel.jp/v1/signin and log in to MiiTel Analytics.
  2. Click cog-solid__1_.svg Open MiiTel Admin on the top right of the page.
  3. Click Third Party Integration > Outgoing Webhook.
  4. Click  ellipsis-v-light__1_.svg  on the integration setting > Delete.
  5. Click Delete.


When Outgoing Webhook sends the HTTP request

  • When the voice analysis of the call history is completed.
  • When the caller enters the IVR number set in MiiTel.
  • When there was a missed call.
  • When nobody answered the outgoing call.
  • When nobody answered the call made by the predictive dialer.
  • When nobody answered the automatic call forwarding.

HTTP request


  • HTTP/1.1


  • POST


Key Description
content-type application/json; charset=utf-8
user-agent MiiTel-Webhook/v1


Key Description
Call history

ID of the call history
The ID in the following URL (Call history in MiiTel Analytics)
https://<Company ID>.miitel.jp/app/calls/<Sequence ID>
Company ID
Details of the call history
ID of the call history
Dial begin time
Call begin time
Call end time
The time when the incoming call came into the queue.
The time the user answered the incoming call that came into the queue or the time when someone answered the call made by the predictive dialer.
The time when the incoming call that came into the queue ended or the time when the phone call ended.

Call type
OUTGOING_CALL: Outgoing call
INCOMING_CALL: Incoming call
QUEUEING_CALL: Queueing call
EXTENSION: Calls to an extension number
EXTENSION_GROUP: Calls to extensions in a group 
EXTENSION_TRANSFER: Transfer calls to an extension number
EXTENSION_GROUP_TRANSFER: Transfer calls to extensions in a group

PREDICTIVE_DIAL: Predictive dialer
AUTOMATIC_TRANSFER: Automatic transfer
READ_DTMF: IVR push number
INCOMING_CALL_USER: Incoming call to a specific user 

Circuit number
Circuit name
Phone number of the caller
Check "null" for the outgoing call and "circuit_number" for the start of the outgoing call
Phone number of the called person
Sequence ID of the most recent action ("null" if there are no recent actions)
IVR push number
Speech evaluation
Overall score

Talk : Listen ratio

Number of rallies
Number of overlaps
Number of silences
ID of the speaker

FROM: the person who made the call
TO: the person who received the call

MiiTel username
or the contact person name that is registered in Contacts ("null" if the person is not registered in Contacts)
Account name
Voice evaluation
        f0 Fundamental frequency
        speechrate Speech rate
        variance Intonation strength
        filler_count Number of fillers
        positive_score Emotion recognition (positive score)
Value: 0 - 1 (max: 1)
        negative_score Emotion recognition (negative score)
Value: 0 - 1 (max: 1)
Call memo
MiiTel user who registered the call memo
TENANT_USER: Call memo
SYSTEM: Automatic call memo
Call memo fields (value of the registered call memo)
Registration date of the comment
User who registered the comment
Details of the comment
Keyword appearance
The time when the keyword appeared (amount of time (sec) after the start of the call)
ID of the speaker who spoke the keyword (participant > id)
Value of the keyword
Speech recognition (Without fillers)
ID of the speaker (participant > id)
Speech recognition results of the speaker (original text)
         order Order number of the speech (0 -)
        phrase Speech recognition results (summary)

Speech recognition results (without fillers)

        start_at Start time of the speech (amount of time (sec) after the start of the call)
        end_at End time of the speech (amount of time (sec) after the start of the call)
        filler_num Number of characters in the speech recognition results (without fillers)
      summary Speech recognition (summary)
The key is the same as details > phrases > raw
Speech recognition
Speech recognition in order of the call history (original text)
Speech recognition in order of the call history (summary)

Request sample

Request sample (You can click this link to download the request sample.)

    "call": {
        "id": "99e2fdb7-845a-46de-8d94-882add220551",
        "tenant_code": "miitel-test",
        "details": [
                "id": "99e2fdb7-845a-46de-8d94-882add220551",
                "dial_starts_at": "2022-12-21T22:31:56+00:00",
                "dial_answered_at": "2022-12-21T22:32:29+00:00",
                "dial_ends_at": "2022-12-21T22:33:22+00:00",
                "queueing_starts_at": null,
                "queueing_answered_at": null,
                "queueing_ends_at": null,
                "call_type": "OUTGOING_CALL",
                "circuit_number": "8330000000",
                "circuit_name": "8330000000",
                "from_number": null,
                "to_number": "4800000000",
                "previous_id": null,
                "dtmf": "0",
                "analysis": {
                    "score": 29.67924528301887,
                    "tlr": 0.5575,
                    "rally_count": 5,
                    "overlap_count": 0,
                    "silence_count": 1,
                    "silence_positions": [[9.43,13.38]],
                    "overlap_positions": []
                "participants": [
                        "id": "018536d0-9363-8e82-fcce-bc2a7098f830",
                        "from_to": "FROM",
                        "name": "Edgardo",
                        "company_name": null,
                        "analysis": {
                            "f0": 103.9616,
                            "speechrate": 11.0932,
                            "variance": 14.5887,
                            "filler_count": 0,
                            "positive_score": 0,
                            "negative_score": 0
                        "id": "018536d0-9363-768c-2a6b-e145d790bdb6",
                        "from_to": "TO",
                        "name": null,
                        "company_name": null,
                        "analysis": {
                            "f0": 182.7321,
                            "speechrate": 14.249,
                            "variance": 17.7925,
                            "filler_count": 0,
                            "positive_score": 0,
                            "negative_score": 0
                "tags": [
                        "created_by": "Edgardo",
                        "creator_type": "TENANT_USER",
                        "value": "Left Message"
                "comments": [],
                "keywords": [
                        "starts_at": 1,
                        "participant_id": "018536d0-9363-768c-2a6b-e145d790bdb6",
                        "value": "call"
                        "starts_at": 29,
                        "participant_id": "018536d0-9363-8e82-fcce-bc2a7098f830",
                        "value": "call"
                "phrases": [
                        "participant_id": "018536d0-9363-8e82-fcce-bc2a7098f830",
                        "raw": [
                                "order": 2,
                                "phrase": "Hello. My name is Eddie and I'm calling you from Midtown and this message is for Mark.",
                                "phrase_nofiller": "Hello. My name is Eddie and I'm calling you from Midtown and this mess",
                                "start_at": 18,
                                "end_at": 23.235,
                                "filler_num": 0
                                "order": 3,
                                "phrase": "I'm just calling in to follow up on an email that I sent to you earlier.",
                                "phrase_nofiller": "I'm just calling in to follow up on an email that I sent ",
                                "start_at": 23.695,
                                "end_at": 28.615,
                                "filler_num": 0
                                "order": 4,
                                "phrase": "And if you can, please call me at 8:33.",
                                "phrase_nofiller": "And if you can, please call me ",
                                "start_at": 29.275,
                                "end_at": 32.32,
                                "filler_num": 0
                                "order": 5,
                                "phrase": "000.",
                                "phrase_nofiller": "000.",
                                "start_at": 32.775,
                                "end_at": 34.06,
                                "filler_num": 0
                                "order": 6,
                                "phrase": "0000.",
                                "phrase_nofiller": "0000.",
                                "start_at": 34.39,
                                "end_at": 36.075,
                                "filler_num": 0
                                "order": 7,
                                "phrase": "That is 8334 m.",
                                "phrase_nofiller": "That is 8334",
                                "start_at": 36.62,
                                "end_at": 39.16,
                                "filler_num": 0
                                "order": 8,
                                "phrase": "Thanks. And I'm looking forward to speaking with you soon.",
                                "phrase_nofiller": "Thanks. And I'm looking forward to speaking with ",
                                "start_at": 39.535,
                                "end_at": 42.455,
                                "filler_num": 0
                        "summary": [
                                "order": 2,
                                "phrase": "Hello. My name is Eddie and I'm calling you from Midtown and this message is for Mark.",
                                "phrase_nofiller": "Hello. My name is Eddie and I'm calling you from Midtown and this mess",
                                "start_at": 18,
                                "end_at": 23.235,
                                "filler_num": null
                                "order": 3,
                                "phrase": "I'm just calling in to follow up on an email that I sent to you earlier.",
                                "phrase_nofiller": "I'm just calling in to follow up on an email that I sent ",
                                "start_at": 23.695,
                                "end_at": 28.615,
                                "filler_num": null
                        "participant_id": "018536d0-9363-768c-2a6b-e145d790bdb6",
                        "raw": [
                                "order": 0,
                                "phrase": "Hello, you've reached Arizona. Backyard custom, please leave a message. We will call you back as soon as possible. Thank you.",
                                "phrase_nofiller": "Hello, you've reached Arizona. Backyard custom, please leave a message. We will call you back as soon as p",
                                "start_at": 1.05,
                                "end_at": 8.14,
                                "filler_num": 0
                                "order": 1,
                                "phrase": "At the tone, please record your message. When you have finished recording, you may hang up or press one for more options.",
                                "phrase_nofiller": "At the tone, please record your message. When you have finished recording, you may hang up or press o",
                                "start_at": 10.7,
                                "end_at": 17.225,
                                "filler_num": 0
                        "summary": [
                                "order": 0,
                                "phrase": "Hello, you've reached Arizona. Backyard custom, please leave a message. We will call you back as soon as possible. Thank you.",
                                "phrase_nofiller": "Hello, you've reached Arizona. Backyard custom, please leave a message. We will call you back as soon as p",
                                "start_at": 1.05,
                                "end_at": 8.14,
                                "filler_num": null
                                "order": 1,
                                "phrase": "At the tone, please record your message. When you have finished recording, you may hang up or press one for more options.",
                                "phrase_nofiller": "At the tone, please record your message. When you have finished recording, you may hang up or press o",
                                "start_at": 10.7,
                                "end_at": 17.225,
                                "filler_num": null
                "speech_recognition": {
                    "raw": "0:01 (Customer) Hello, you've reached Arizona. Backyard custom, please leave a message. We will call you back as soon as p\n0:10 (Customer) At the tone, please record your message. When you have finished recording, you may hang up or press o\n0:18 (Operator) Hello. My name is Eddie and I'm calling you from Midtown and this mess\n0:23 (Operator) I'm just calling in to follow up on an email that I sent \n0:29 (Operator) And if you can, please call me \n0:32 (Operator) 000.\n0:34 (Operator) 0000.\n0:36 (Operator) That is 8334\n0:39 (Operator) Thanks. And I'm looking forward to speaking with ",
                    "summary": "0:01 (Customer) Hello, you've reached Arizona. Backyard custom, please leave a message. We will call you back as soon as p\n0:10 (Customer) At the tone, please record your message. When you have finished recording, you may hang up or press o\n0:18 (Operator) Hello. My name is Eddie and I'm calling you from Midtown and this mess\n0:23 (Operator) I'm just calling in to follow up on an email that I sent "
    "params_key": "z&aH+&Kz8saC"

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